Sometimes we will land more than one link on the same publication. The number of times we bill for the same publication depends on your order size. For a 5-link order, we will never bill more than twice for the same publication. If we land a third link on the same publication, the third link will be a freebie!
Most links will go to the homepage. That’s just the way journalists tend to link people when they quote them. If you have a high-quality informational piece, then we can include it in our pitches when it’s a good fit.
Sure, check out our Case Study section.
No, sorry. Journalists do not consult with us on the anchor text. They will typically use a branded anchor text (your business name or your name).
We start pitching immediately, but the journalists are working on their own timelines. Some sites have lengthy editing processes as well. We can’t speed up the process, but it is possible that we’ll land the first link sooner. We just can’t make any promises there.
Unfortunately, we aren’t able to allow reviews of the pitches. Getting the pitches out quickly is crucial, as the journalist will end up with a stack of pitches to go through. We want to be one of the first pitches they see.
Journalists are looking for quotes from experts to support their articles. That’s where we come in. We pitch your business so that journalists can quote you as the expert.
We don’t work with adult sites.
Of course, check out our Contact section, and send us an email or schedule a call.
We actively target top-tier publications that we know syndicate to other top-tier publications. Only syndicated dofollow links that meet the metric requirements of your order will count toward your link total.
We guarantee an average completed order of DR-70 across all your billable links.